Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Yet more roles cast

The auditions are going well, and we've selected actors for some of the larger roles in Zone of Fire: Jerry Eastman as Young Bat, Russell Tiner as Doc Holliday, Joe Rios as Virgil Earp, Sandy Mize as Molly Brennan, and Shawn Rakowitz as Morgan Earp. In the 'separated at birth' category, many of them really look like the people they'll be portraying.
With any luck, we'll have all the major roles and the major locations locked down by the end of the week. (We're still hoping for a good Wyatt Earp and a good Tombstone.)
Bill Champ, now officially the associate producer for Zone of Fire, has been unbelievably helpful. We still need to find a production assistant, however, so anyone in the Austin area who wants the job can email the producer at

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